Central Florida Doodles


Florida's Sweetest Family 


Check out some of the stunning doodles we've produced over the years!
We have Creams, Chocolate, Reds & Black Labradoodles!
Our pups make the very best family companions!!



I held of on gushing about Robby because I wanted to give it enough time to make sure
he is for real. I can know confidently gush!! 

He is spectacular. Very smart, well behaved (thanks to you and your family) and he and Cooper are already a real comedy team. No potty issues. He's got the dog door figured
out. Super friendly. We couldn't have asked for more.

Lisa will absolutely fall in love with him ( probably at my expense).

Thanks for everything.  Dave
Hello Doodle family,
Hi, it's me, Tucker.  I would bet my last bone that you remember me just like you remember all of us.  Anyhow, I know my Mom, Jaynie, is not the greatest in keeping in touch but I assure you all in well.
I am very happy living here in Daytona Beach with my folks.  I enjoy going for long walks, swimming in my pool,  and boy, oh boy,  do I like to ride in the car.  They treat me really good and buy me great food.  I have my own bed, but I do like to spend time in their bed too- it's so comfy.  I like the couch, but I never last too long up there.  Mom pretends she doesn't allow it, and Dad pretends he doesn't allow it and when I am alone with either of them, that's where I spend my time.  They are so silly.
I only have Kong toys because I heard my Mom say no one can ruin a toy faster than me!  I can make a hole in a toy in less than five minutes!  Every time we go to a pet store it doesn't stop my family looking for one I can't ruin though I would enjoy the challenge. 
 Dad cut my hair off a couple of months ago, it took him hours and hours to shave me, Mom was not happy, but it is growing back  now and it was sure perfect for the summer.  I do think they both learned a lesson about more frequent brushings.  Just because Dad has broken every comb from Petsmart is no excuse for not keeping up with my grooming.  I am going to tell them about the flexible slicker one I saw on your site.
Maritza, the cat, is becoming my friend as well.  She pretends she doesn't like me chasing her around the house but I know she does.  She drinks from my bowl, so I figure we are even.  Sometimes other family members come to visit.  When Renee comes, she brings Stella, her Australian Sheppard, we have such a great time playing in the back yard I am always sorry when they go.  Sometimes I go to the Everglades and visit Stella but I gotta watch out for gators!!
I overhear my Mom and Dad all the time saying how much joy I have brought into their lives and how they could not imagine their lives without me.  It sure makes me beam with pride when I hear that.  I wish my Mom knew how to work the camera and computer better, gotta love her, but she sucks at certain things.  I will ask her to send a picture soon.
How are the kids?  Tell them I said "hello"  I think of all of you often.
                            Sending lots of love and licks,   TUCKER

"You should feel very good - all my neighbors and family can't believe
she is already so well trained and is adjusting so well so quickly!

Tim is absolutely smitten, as is Anna. Daisy is truly the most
incredible fit for our family and is so gentle and loving, which has
really boosted Anna's confidence and comfort-level because she is
usually a bit tentative around dogs.

Thanks again and have a great afternoon!" 
Chrissy; proud owner of Daisy ~ May 2009 

Posted on www.doodlekisses.com under the Discussion: Owner Recommended Breeders by SusieM (owner of Oaklee) on February 9, 2009 at 6:59am 

Name of Breeder? Central Florida Doodles   

Location of Breeder? Orlando, FL

Mini, medium and standard Multigenerational Labradoodles with pedigrees from American and Australian lines which can be traced back to the original Rutland Manor and Tegan Park pedigrees.

Verification that puppies and breeding dogs are raised in the home (not in a kennel, out building, garage, back yard etc....)?
Puppies are raised in the home, nurtured and socialized by this family of six. The dogs spend ample time in a large wooded, fenced-in yard with Maureen's four kids and their friends.

Was home and property clean and pleasant?
Very much so

Where you allowed to view health records for the parent dogs or other dogs owned by the breeder?
health records consist of OFA / PennHIP, CERF, PRA, vWD, Thyroid, Heart. A letter from the vet stating a dog is ok to breed is NOT clearance for breeding.
Yes. In fact, these items are posted on this breeder�s web site,

Were the dogs well groomed? Yes.

Were the dogs well behaved and obedient?
They were all beautiful, sweet, kind, happy and well-mannered. These dogs have spent a lot of time with humans and are socialized to be with each other and with various ages of children and adults.

Was at least one of the parents on site for the visitation?

Why did you choose this breeder?
I had attempted to work with two other breeders, to no avail. This was in part due to a few issues: litter availability and in communication issues.
I had almost given up hope that we were meant to have a Doodle when I found Central Florida Doodles. I immediately completed their brief online form and was immediately contacted �within the hour � by this breeder.
The owner, Maureen, quickly realized our dilemma and spent a good amount of time on our quest to find a Doodle! That week, we scheduled a date to visit her location and meet her dogs. The rest was history as we felt completely at home and mesmerized by her family�s kindness and the superb quality of her dogs.

Would you buy another dog from this breeder again in the future?
Yes. I would love to have another puppy from Central Florida Labradoodles!! If and when we are ready for a second one, we would contact Central Florida Labradoodles.

JANUARY 2009:  Thanks for the email and all the support�you�ve been a big help.  It�s obvious that all your pups are valued members of your family.  Sophee has been GREAT!!  We are so glad we found her and you.  She is definitely a perfect fit for our family and we�ve only had her for 3 days.  She is sleeping through the night and completed her first day at home in the crate like a champ.  I have a feeling she won�t require crating during the day for more than a couple of months.  She is very smart and learning her boundaries with minimal correction from us.  Bailey and Sophee have also begun to really take notice of each other.  Bailey loves to play keep away and Sophee is determined enough to keep chasing him.  She�s even managed to get the best of him a couple of times.  It�s actually quite amazing how quickly she�s adjusted to her new routine and family�it�s quite a relief.  Well, the kids (Bailey and Sophee) are on the couch next to me and I should probably get off the computer and give them some love.  Thanks again for everything.  We�ll be in touch.
 God Bless, Bernie, Kay, Kalison, Bailey, & Sophee

 " I wanted to write a quick note to let you know how well Indy is doing. He is absolutely phenomenal. He has yet to spend even a moment in his crate and has instead spent his nights thus far sleeping on the floor next to our bed. He makes not a peep all through the night and is even quieter than both of the kids lol. He has become very attached to me and will not let me out of his sight. As I write this, he is laying on my feet (keeping them toasty). He has learned to heel and is so incredible that even Stella, my 22-month old, can walk him on a leash without getting "taken for a walk". He is discovering the joys of daily brushing lol. He doesn't like it very much but after being at the beach and getting VERY wet and VERY sandy he needed it. I will take pictures tomorrow of him at the beach. When we took him today my mother let him off lead, we were at a dog-friendly beach, and he stayed right by my side the whole time. We ran up and down the beach and even at a full sprint (which nearly killed me by the way lol) he kept his eyes on us the whole time. He went into the water with me as I was attempting to fish and even though he didn't like the waves he went in anyway. The waves were high and a bit strong so we decided to just play on the beach. I really was astounded that he didn't take off after having his lead removed but that is just Indy I guess. He really is the most remarkable dog. We took him today to have his ear hair stripped and though he disliked the procedure he submitted calmly and resigned himself to his "fate". Indy has also discovered the joys of being a "chick magnet". He has pretty women fawning all over him the past couple of days and laps up the attention like any proper male haha. He has not has a single accident (more than I can say for the kids) and we just ordered our poochie-bells for when we return home. I'm about to take him for one last walk but will leave off with a funny story. I woke up at 1am and looked on the floor for Indy and saw no sign of him. I looked on Jack's side of the bed..no Indy. Door was closed so no way he could have gotten out. I look again on my side of the bed and see two hairy feet just poking out from under the dust ruffle! I grab his feet and pull him out from under the bed (looking like the world's largest dust mop. Thankfully my grandmother is very meticulous about cleaning) and see that he is still asleep even after being yanked on!  He was asleep on his back with his legs splayed out and his head lolling to one side. I wish I could have taken a picture of that as it makes me giggle just to think of it. He is so funny and is such a delight to be around. Anyway, it is time for our last walk so I will sign off here. I hope you have great night! "

Most Sincerely,
Phoebe K. (and Indy)

Hi Maureen,
"Yes, we love Molly a ton!  She is growing very fast but can not catch up with her paws (huge).  She is 17" at the shoulder ,but that was yesterday.  Molly started Puppy Kindergarten on Sunday  and is learning to socialize with others. five puppies under 4 pounds, a beagle pup and our "big" girl.  All went well.  Everyone else had potty issues except us. She rings the bell to go out. No accidents in last 6 weeks and only two peepee's since we got her. (Thank you again for all your work in this area) "
 Al and Margie, Proud owners of Molly 

"We've already introduced him around the neighborhood and my mom spent all day yesterday with us.  Everyone just thinks he's the most beautiful boy.  They are all amazed at his calm, confident way." Jamie, proud owner of Cooper

"You have a wonderful family. I could not have thought of better people to purchase a puppy from. Marley has such a pleasant personality. I'm still at my office because I have to get some things done before I can head home. He has been laying on the floor next to me, while I work. It was pretty cool too, because he went to the door and started whining so I took him out and sure enough he pottied. He is such a beautiful puppy."  Bob, proud owner of Marley

Mango is above and beyond our dreams of having a dog!!!! Thank you so much!!! I have been walking her on a leash up and down the street to get her used to taking walks and acclaimating her to the leash. She is doing great!!!!!! She is already keeping up and walks on the leash up and down the street with no stops other than the usual sniffing and doing her business!!!! I will say it is very hard to keep visitors away." Cheryl, proud owner of Mango

"What a great puppy, she is right at home with us and her new name. I can't believe I was up this 6:35 am playing on the floor with her." Ken, proud owner of Duchess, 2007 

Ozzie is so good on his leach that people think he has been to training.  When he is approached by someone, he sits down and looks at them as to say OK pet me. If they don't - he will bark at them one time as if to say its OK. At home I have been working with him every day.  He sits on command, and will fetch his special ball and return it to me, drop it between my feet, sit and wait for his treat.  Amazing for 13 weeks. Thank you again for this wonderful little bundle of joy. Scott, proud owner of Ozzie

"Winston is doing WONDERFUL!  He is such a loving puppy and follows us everywhere.  We are so impressed because he has not had one accident anywhere, not even in his kennel.  That's amazing.  Travis and I are so thankful he came from a family like yours, because we think that is why he is being so good for us!  So THANK YOU! "  Laura, proud owner of Winston

"I just came from his last round of shots and the vet who I have known for years said that Bert was the nicest, most calm labradoodle that he has seen.  I thought you should hear that. 
Also, you must have worked some with him on "Sit" and "stay" because he does so well with that.  Thank you.  I Just thought you would like to hear what a prize you raised."
--Take care.  Tami, proud owner of Bert

"The boys absolutely love Hershey.  He fits right in to everything we do, including playing with all the neighborhood kids.  Everyone plays with him all the time.  Thank you again for the wonderful addition to our family.  I hope everyone else is loving their doodle as much as we love ours."
--Sincerely, Robin, proud owner of Hershey

"Congrats on the upcoming litter!  My daughter looks at your website all the time and has taken notice of all your changes.  Malachi is wonderful.  We will always be grateful to your family for our outstanding addition to our family.  He has been so good to us, awesome for the children. Thank you seems so trivial, but it does seem to cover it all so THANKS AGAIN!"
--Sincerely, Dianne, proud owner of Malachi

"Rasta is a very sweet, smart and loveable dog.  He has fit into the madness at our house quite well.  Our kids, as well as the neighborhood kids, really do enjoy him.   He likes running and chasing balls.  We have been going on the guidance of the Dog Whisperer and have trained him to sit, come, stay, shake, and get in your bed.  We have also trained him not to go into certain areas of the house, which amalzingly he does quite well."
--Take care!  Cecilia, proud owner of Rasta

"Miles is such a good dog. We are so happy with him and his love for people and other animals. He is always trying be friends with the neighbors cats, but they are not having any part of it."
--Our happy Doodle family, Susan, proud owner of Miles